Fast forward to ......
One afternoon I went to my local BabyLock dealer (I own a Sofia II, a small sewing/embroidery machine, in addition to a Juki and ... Well, that's another story) to pick up some fat quarters. I had no intention of purchasing anything more than about a half dozen fabric choices when I found myself sitting at a serger. Now, I do not construct clothing and while I did make a pair of leggings at my latest Crafty Gemini Retreat, I didn't think it would be a necessary purchase as I was able to construct said leggings on my sewing machine. In addition, I was in no way wanting to learn how to thread one! The thought makes my head hurt. So, what in the world was I doing sitting at this machine? Well.... the saleswoman asked if I had ever used one and I said no and didn't think I needed one since I do not construct clothing. Then she showed me the tons of projects done on a serger hanging around the shop. Oh my Gosh! I had no idea. A new world of decorative stitching possibilities opened up to me! Plus the opportunity to finish projects faster and even do decorative finishes in place of bindings on smaller projects. My mind was aflutter with ideas and The next thing I know I am walking out the door with a pre-owned BabyLock Imagine! The perfect machine for a beginner and a perfect price for a first time serger user. In addition, BabyLock is one of the leaders in sergers and most people will tell you they are top notch. The drawback is the price. My imagine would be closer to $1,800 new but I paid less than half of that purchasing it pre-owned. In addition, the dealer offered five years free maintenance and IT IS AN AIR THREAD!!! That's right, nothing scary for this delicate flower!
Well, with this purchase came 60 days of free “sew at home” classes which usually range between $.00-40.00 depending on the class. I dove right in. Started watching every video they had on operation, extra feet, decorative stitching, found a craftsy class and eventually a project I loved on YouTube. My first serger art piece came out of this.
It’s just scraps, simple serving and running seams back and forth causing it to wave. Afterword I did decorative stitching.
When I found out about all of the exciting threads and yarns I could use in the loopers I went loonies!
Recently I went to Tuesday Morning to scope out the craft section... always some cool finds there. In addition to finding charm packs of Cotton and Steel I also found these jewels for couching and also to fit inside the loopers of my new-to-me Imagine Serger:
Happy creating friends and look for my next posting. I have an update about my Bernina situation. You won't believe it!
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